Accelerators Organization

by Accelerators Organization



The Accelerators Organization App, along with our custom web platform, brings you a personalized and individualized experience.The mobile App is AO’s communication tool for Announcements to AO Members. It provides a social media, newsfeed like experience full of images, videos and links along with the text.NEWS FEEDThe news feed is designed for global updates to all AO Members. Get you all the guidance, advice, motivation, articles, training and webinar updates along with all of the AO community.PERSONALThe AO Mobile App comes with a Personal Feed meant just for an individual member. Get individual, personalized communication straight from your mentors, advisors and coaches in this area of the App.PROFILEUpdate your profile, password and keep your information up-to-date right from the profile section.Always stay updated with notifications straight from your mentors, advisors and coaches. Get news feed and personal notifications right on your device and never miss out on anything from AO. Exciting, right?We are going to add a lot more exciting things to this platform soon. Stay tuned!